Selasa, 22 Desember 2020

I don't care if you don't support what i do or my behavior, because it's alright to have different opinion with me. and that's none of my business. but when you're talking behind my back, it just so wrong, and it becomes my business because i trust you as my friend and it means that i should be more carefully with you. it feels sucks because i lost my trust towards someone who i actually care about and that is a tragedy i have to face.

the more i get older, i become less principled. like there's nothing quite good or bad, wrong or right. we're just both of them. i become more friendly and i'm totally fine with mistake. and if someone do something bad, i won't judge them. because i personally believe that there's gotta be a reason behind someone's behaviour. but what more precious for me is the reason behind that behaviour and is that logical enough to hold or is that beyond the capacity that i could take? like i don't want people life becomes harder because what i say or what i do. like i know people is struggling enough so just let them live in peaceful way.

Jumat, 29 Mei 2020

hey, how do you feel right now?
have you slept well lately?
it's been a long time since your call hit my phone
but i'm doing just fine right here
i might be a little limp, but i'm still fine
jeez, i miss your step on my backyard
i miss our late night drive
or your drunken messages
the sound of your beating heart
well, are they still beating the same?
i keep remember these sweet but bitter reminiscence...
they're replaying like a broken track on my mind
sometimes i feel like i wish i was better
sometimes i feel like i wish i was enough
but however, you don't have to call
beacuse nothing is left here
it all still the same but it is abandoned
and i need times to resonates
i promise i will learn to walk again
not much progress, slowly is fine
i think i reflect so much lately
i don't want to lose my self again
because i was too busy complete my soul
and ended losing mine
let them stillx, in my serene heart

Rabu, 01 Januari 2020

Miniso Silicone Face & Nose Cleansing Kit Review

Hi everyone! Kemarin aku baru aja cobain eksfoliator berbahan silicone dari Miniso. Sebelumnya, aku uda pernah cobain physical eksfoliator lainnya seperti konjag sponge, waslap, maupun scrub. Yang belum perna aku cobain adalah yang berbahan silicone maupun brush. So sebenernya, ada beberapa eksfoliator kit yg dijual di Miniso. Termasuk yang mechanic maupun yang manual. Tetapi aku memutuskan buat beli yang manual, karena relatif harganya lebih murah. Brush dan Silicone Kit manual masing-masing dihargain 30 ribu aja. Untuk tipe

Kamis, 28 Februari 2019

Just if i could be more perceive

How it would be if I went home soon?
How it would be if I gave you more attention back then?
How it would be if I could be more interest?
How it would be if you could be more patient?
How it would be if I still meet you after what you did to me?
How it would be if i told you about my feelings towards you?

Sabtu, 12 Januari 2019

#SHORT STORY: A piece of art from your cigar.

You were an art for me,
A big blue blue sky on my dark universe
A surprising sunshine in my rainy days
An air conditioner in my car on a sunny day
A piece of blanket on my bed
A bunch of stars on the night sky
A campfire in the middle of woods
A beautiful and odd but cool presence

DIY Setting spray or Face Mist.

Hi beauties
I'm kind of person, yang suka banget semprot-semprot face mist ke wajah sebagai setting spray atau sebagai dingin-dinginan aja. Dulu, aku biasa pakai pixy aqua beuaty protecting mist atau pakai hatomugi skin conditioner. But, akhir-akhir ini aku mikir why aku ga bikin sendiri aja. Selain hemat, aku juga bisa bikin ini dengan gampaang banget di rumah. So here is, how to make your own face mist or setting spray with affordable ingredients